
Dr Qing Huang

Dermatologist in Gaithersburg, MD

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Dr Qing Huang

Healoonow leading TCM Dermatologist and chief physician in Dermatology Department of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of TCM, graduate student supervisor, chief physician in Dermatology Department of Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of TCM, graduate student supervisor. Graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, PhD of Medicine.

Visiting scholar from the School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, Australia; honored guest of many famous science and medicine TV programs, such as Yang Sheng Tang;


Author of a number of popular science books, such as Lost Book of Beauty, Beautiful Skin without Disease etc., providing personalized consultation of diagnosis, treatment and dietary.

Specialized areas

More than 30 years experience in clinical, teaching and scientific research of TCM Dermatology; Specialized in dermatology diagnosis and treatment with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine, especially in the treatment of discosmetic dermatosis, such as acne, seborrheic dermatitis, chloasma and hair loss, as well as psoriasis, all kinds of eczema dermatitis and viral skin diseases;